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更新时间:2013-05-11      点击次数:1359

 由美国SAN TECHNOLOGY,INC于2004年投资的上海三木电子有限公司注册在上海市松江区石湖荡镇新松路28号。本公司主主要生产加工新型电子元器件、销售自产产品。主要产品有3D眼镜、LCD、LCM、签字机、印刷电路板。集团公司已经具备几十年的PCB装备经验。本公司产品全部出口到欧美地区。公司已通过ISO9001和ISO14001质量体系认证。公司拥有一支高素质、高潜力的专业团队,其中80%拥有大学本科以上学历,70%为经验丰富的专业技术人才,更有多名海外留学归国人员加盟。现在本公司正处于发展阶段,因此我们诚邀以下富有开拓精神和工作热情的各类人才加入我们的团队。我们期待和您一起让公司发展得更好,同时也给您提供一个良好的发展平台。公司注重人才的发挥,主张人尽其才,才尽其用。本公司将会提供一个有竞争力的薪资,同时为您提供一次学习和发展的机会。本公司会尽zui大的努力为所有员工营造一个健康舒适的工作环境。


San Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd is invested by USA Santek Group in 2004 .We registered No.28 , Xin Song Rd., Shi Hu Dang Town , Songjiang , Shanghai .We are mainly producing new electronic components and sells our own products. The main products are :3D Glasses, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD),LCD Module 、Signature Capture、Printed Circuit Boards (PCB), and PCB Assembly with decades of experience in the industry for Santek Group. All the products will be exported to Europe and USA. We have passed the ISO9001 and ISO14001 quality system. Our company owns the professional team with high diathesis and high potential ability. Among them, 80% own bachelor degree and 70% are experienced professional technique talented staff and also several staff are full of overseas studying & working experience. Now we are still in developing period so We need the following candidates with high caliber to join our team We are looking forward to working together with you to make Santek develop better and we also hope we can provide a good develop environment for you .And we believe you can feel we really cherish the contribution and ability of all the staffs, because we believe every staff's talent is very important for the company to achieve the goals. Our company will provide a competed salary, and provide the chance for you to study and develop. We will try our best to establish a healthy and happy working environment for all the staffs.

Customers are the reason for Santek existence, its people are the key to Santek success.


